
2013 – Antoinettes

Abigail’s Party, by Mike Leigh, directed by Annabel Hensley

  • Best Sound/Music, Alan Burden and Julia Harris
  • Best Costuming, Annabel Hensley, Meredith Dooley and Alison Golder
  • Best Female Actor, Meredith Dooley as Angela
  • Best Drama

2012 –  Antoinettes

Private Lives, by Noel Coward, directed by Annabel Hensley

  • Best Director, Annabel Hensley
  • Best Comedy (joint winner)
  • Best Male Actor, Malcom Gillet (joint winner)

Black Adder III, by Richard Curtis and Ben Elton, directed by Ross Miller

  • Best Costumes, Sue Miller (joint winner)
  • Memorable Cameo award,  Neil Hayden and Pat McCarthy     

2011  Antoinettes

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, byTom Stoppard, directed by Tim Yarrow

  • Best Production (joint winner)
  • Best Drama  (joint winner)
  • Best Female in Lead Role in a Drama  – Sarah Andrew Reynolds
  • Best Male in a Lead Role in a Drama – Darren Woods and Andrew Goddard
  • Highly commended for:
    • Costumes, Sue Miller
    • Set Design, Tim Yarrow and Ross Miller;
    • Lighting Design, David Murray

2010  Antoinettes

The Diary of Anne Frank, dramatised by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, adapted by Wendy Kesselman, directed by Tanya Piejus.

  • Best Female Actor in a Lead Role,  Bethaney Miller (Anne Frank)
  • Best Director, Tanya Piejus
  • Best Drama
  • Best Overall Production

2008 Festival of Community Theatre

Two Women and a Chair, by Michael Olsen, directed by Liz Lipski

  • Best Overall Production,  Wellington District Festival
  • Selected from Regional Festival to go the the National Finals

2006   Antoinettes

Daisy Pulls It Off, adapted by Alan Ayckbourn, directed by Ewen Coleman

  • Best Overall Comedy
  • Certificates for Best Costumes, (Sue Miller)  and Best Hair

A Lie of the Mind, by Sam Shephard, directed by Darrell Haddon

  • Best Female Actor in a Dramatic Role, Michelle Felderhoff
  • Certificates for Best Stage Prop (a half carcass of venison) and Best Makeup

2005   Antoinettes

The Glass Menagerie, by  Tennessee Williams,  directed by Annabel Hensley

  • Best Overall Costuming,   Sue Miller

Lords and Ladies,  by Terry Pratchett, directed by Lindsey Rusling

Certificates for:

  • Outstanding Costume Design
  • Outstanding Make up
  • Outstanding Comedy Duo – Katrina Baylis and Shona Stanton

2002  Festival of Community Theatre

Norm Glob Boils an Egg, by Dan Ashworth, directed by Dan Ashworth.

  • Selected from District and Regional finals to go to the National Finals