Current Committee

President (Chair): vacant
Secretary: vacant
Treasurer: vacant (Oliver Mander ex-officio)








Mike Sander

Jan de Geest

Ewen Coleman

Sheree Phillips

Jamie Byas

Wendy Howard

Kevin Hastings

Wellington Repertory Theatre also acknowledges its Life Members, who have provided strong service in the past:

Sue Miller, Colleen McColl, Bill Sheat, John Dean, Joan Foster, Dan Ashworth, Catherine McMechan, Chris Barker, Annabel Hensley, Mike Peddie, Hewitt Humphrey, Alison Golder, Ross Foubister, Ewen Coleman and Paul Kay

Governance Documents

Wellington Repertory Theatre Incorporated is a an Incorporated Society. We are currently intending to re-register under the 2022 Incorporated Societies Act, subject to approval by Members at the Annual General Meeting to be held on March 24th 2025.

The Society is governed by its (proposed) Rules and supporting Membership Policy.